The Best 5% Mass Gaining Supplements

The Best 5% Mass Gaining Supplements - 5% Nutrition


Gaining mass isn’t easy. It takes dedication, hard work, and patience. You’ve got to move the big basic exercises and push yourself hard in the gym. And you have to do it consistently. If you’re new to lifting, move heavy weight on those big, basic exercises - and add weight frequently. If you’re more advanced, you may have reached your strength limit. That means you have to up the intensity. Any way you cut it, it’s hard work. In this article, we’ll look at the 5% Nutrition supplements for mass. It’s time to get bigger with 5%!

5% Supplements For Mass

5% Pre-Workouts

Kill It

Kill It Reloaded

5150 & Full As F*ck

One thing that sets Kill It and Kill It Reloaded apart from other pre-workouts is that they both contain creatine. In both cases, it’s a blend of different types of creatine. This is a foundational ingredient that should be in the arsenal of anyone trying to bulk up in the off-season. For this reason, creatine-free pre-workouts have no place in an off-season bulk program.

5% Nutrition’s pre-workouts are known for their caffeine content. Here’s the breakdown for each. 

  • Kill It contains 250 mg of caffeine from caffeine anhydrous. Kill It is a lower caffeine, balanced pre-workout.
  • Kill It Reloaded supplies 325 mg of caffeine from caffeine anhydrous, dicaffeine malate, and caffeine citrate. This is also a balanced formula but kicks up the caffeine. 
  • 5150 - This kicks up the stims to insane levels. There’s 400mg of caffeine from 9 different sources. Plus, there are other stims and focus ingredients as well as 4g citrulline and 3g beta-alanine. 

5% Protein

Real Carbs + Protein

Shake Time

Egg White Crystals

Snack Time

Of course, what sets these products apart is the use of real food protein sources. You won’t find any whey protein in the 5% lineup. For that matter, you won’t find any standard protein powders in the 5% product line. Rich wasn’t kidding when he said he didn’t believe in the typical protein powders. That’s why every protein product 5% makes uses real food, such as HydroBEEF™ Beef Isolate, whole egg powder, and organic chicken powder. 

How much protein can you expect? Let’s find out.

  • Real Carbs + Protein provides 21g of slow and medium digesting proteins.
  • Shake Time contains 26g of slow and medium digesting proteins.
  • Egg White Crystals can be used just like real eggs or added to a shake. One serving gives you 20 of medium digesting egg white protein. 
  • Snack Time makes it super-easy to get 14g or 15g of protein depending on which delicious flavor you choose.

Here’s a 5% tip. If you’re looking for a gainer, go with Real Carbs. 1 scoop delivers 100 calories of real food complex carbohydrates. Do what Rich did and use 2 scoops for 200 calories. Next, add 2 scoops of Egg White Crystals. Now you have 40g of protein and 380 total calories. Next, add a banana for another 72 calories. Now we have 452 calories. Drink 1-3 shakes a day as part of a Rich-inspired, 6-8 meals a day eating plan. You’ll gain some serious mass on a program like that!

5% Test Booster


Core D-Aspartic Acid

Core ZMA

One of the best natural muscle builders is testosterone boosters. After all, testosterone is widely considered the “King of Hormones”. Not to mention, it declines as men age. You might think that means in your 40s or 50s, right? No way. That means in your 20s. So a test booster can go a long way in ramping up test production. 5% recently introduced TEST testosterone booster, a first for us. Of course, it’s an impressive formula that would make Rich proud. The 5% supplements for mass in this section are some of our newest, most exciting formulas. 

We also have our exciting Core line of products. For those that may not know, the Core line takes a primary single ingredient and adds a supporting ingredient. That takes this line beyond everybody else. Why? Everybody else’s Core line is just 1 ingredient. We have more imagination than that!

  • TEST consists of 6 ingredients that boost free testosterone levels and help inhibit estrogen. 
  • Core D-Aspartic Acid can be used by itself or taken with TEST, and supplies the clinical dose of DAA. It also provides 200 mg of DIM to help control estrogen.
  • Core ZMA is the classic test booster consisting of B6, zinc, and magnesium. Add it to TEST and D-Aspartic Acid for an effective custom test booster.

5% Aminos

All Day You May

All Day You May Natty

All Day You May Caffeinated

Drink, Sleep, Grow

Core L-Glutamine 5000

Core L-Citrulline

All Day You May is the 5% Nutrition flagship product. It’s legendary and every bit as innovative as it was the day it came out. ADYM is much more than just another EAA formula. Like always, we go far beyond what anybody else brings to the table. The ADYM formula is in a class by itself. There are BCAAs, EAAs, CEAAs, an amino support blend, an intra-cellular buffer blend, and a joint and liver support blend. Wow! 

If that’s not enough, there’s an all-natural version and a caffeinated version (125mg of caffeine). There are also our other amino products. First, there’s the revolutionary Drink Sleep Grow with its natural sleep aids and timed-release l-leucine. Second, in our Core line, you’ll find L-Glutamine 5000, and L-Citrulline 300. 

  • All Day You May, in every version, features a 6g BCAA complex. That’s important because L-Leucine is directly involved in protein synthesis stimulation.
  • Drink Sleep Grow also has 6g of BCAAs but replaces standard leucine with Active TR™ L-Leucine. This timed-released form of leucine begins to absorb 2 hours after ingestion. It stimulates protein synthesis consistently over a 4-hour period. Bedtime is usually catabolic, but not anymore with the innovation of 5% Nutrition!

5% Muscle Builders

Freak Show

Turkesterone 1200


Core Creatine Monohydrate

Ah, the 5% natural muscle builders! These are some of the most effective 5% supplements for mass. Exactly what you need for a Fall/Winter lean bulk program. As you can see, we have some impressive formulas. There’s 2 completely different creatine formulas, the insulin mimicker Freak Show, and the very popular Turkesterone 1200. 

  • Freak Show makes the most of the carbohydrates you eat by preventing them from being stored as fat. Instead, it helps your muscles use them for growth. When carbs get pulled into the muscles, quite a bit of water comes with it. This means insane muscle fullness. Freak Show also improves nutrient delivery to your muscles. Take it with your biggest carb meal of the day and get ready to be amazed!
  • Turkesterone 1200 stimulates protein synthesis, improves strength, and supports recovery. Sounds like everything you need for your Fall/Winter bulking season, right?
  • It took Rich Piana to take creatine to the next level. Crea-TEN features 10 different versions of creatine. 1 serving provides 5g of this cutting-edge blend. Plus, there’s also a Creatine Accelerate Blend to improve absorption. 
  • There’s also Core Creatine Monohydrate. This is the type of creatine that started it all. 1 serving provides 5g of this classic formula. 

5% Support Supplements - Optimize Your Results!

Joint Defender

Digestive Defender

Immune Defender

Liver & Organ Defender

Finally, to get the best results from your lean bulk, support supplements are always a good idea. Many people might look past these support products. After all, they are not 5% supplements for mass. Yet good health is your foundation. You won’t get far training for size if you have underlying health concerns that are holding you back. 

We have 4 excellent products that cover all your basic health needs: 

  • Joint Defender supports joint health and function. After all the heavy lifting you’ve no doubt subjected yourself to, it’s time to take care of your joints.
  • Digestive Defender ensures the food you eat and the 5% supplements you take are fully digested. This is critical. Complete digestion and absorption of the nutrients you consume are one of the keys to success. After all, if you want gains, those calories and supplements need to be put to optimal use.
  • Immune Defender supports immune system health and function. You can’t work out efficiently if you’re sick. Immune Defender helps you maintain peak health and wellness.
  • Liver & Organ Defender is the ideal choice if you’re doing a prohormone (or something stronger) cycle. You’ve got to look after yourself regardless of any aggressive supplements you might be taking. 

5% Supplements For Mass - Stacks

As you get ready for the Fall/Winter bulking season, you’ll need to stock up on 5% Nutrition supplements. After all, what’s a bulk without 5%? To make it easier for you, we have several Stacks available that will give you everything you need. Let’s check them out.

Whatever It Takes Stack

This is our all-out stack. It’s the best of what 5% has to offer. This stack has 10 supplements. The great thing about it is that you are not limited to 1 kind of ADYM. You have 4 options to choose from!

The first step is to choose your flavors for the powders in the 7 supplements below:

  1. Crea-TEN
  2. Full As F*ck
  3. Mentality
  4. Real Carbs
  5. Joint Defender
  6. Kill It Reloaded
  7. Liver & Organ Defender

Next, choose the version of ADYM you want. Don’t forget to choose your favorite flavor: 

  1. ADYM
  2. ADYM Caffeinated
  3. ADYM Natty
  4. ADY Shred

Finally, choose the flavors you want for the last 2 products:

  1. Drink Sleep Grow
  2. Knocked The F*ck Out

Mass Monster Stack

Here’s a great stack that contains 4 products. Like our other stacks, you can choose among 4 types of ADYM.  

The first step is to choose the version and flavor of ADYM you want:

  1. ADYM
  2. ADYM Caffeinated
  3. ADYM Natty
  4. ADY Shred

The next step is to choose flavors among the last three products:

  1. Kill It Reloaded
  2. Liver & Organ Defender
  3. Real Carbs + Protein

Hardcore Pre-Workout Stack

Of course, there are quite a few fantastic 5% Stacks available. Here, we’ll look at 1 more amazing stack. This is our most hardcore pre-workout stack. This stack has 4 products, and the only step is to choose flavors: 

  1. Full As F*ck
  2. 5150
  3. ADYM - This is the legendary original version. 
  4. Crea-TEN

In Conclusion

In this article, we have looked at the best 5% supplements for mass. There are a lot of choices! When it comes to selection, innovation, and products that work, 5% Nutrition can’t be beat. If you’re planning a bulk this off-season, the best way to do it is with 5% Nutrition!

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