Shake Time/Real Carbs Rice Chocolate Pudding

Shake Time/Real Carbs Rice Chocolate Pudding

Who doesn’t like chocolate pudding? It’s a succulent treat you can enjoy any time during the day. Rich, creamy, and delicious, plus, you can pretty much add any topping you want. The only thing tha...

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Real Carbs + Protein Apple Crepes

Real Carbs + Protein Apple Crepes

Here’s a great breakfast, brunch, snack, or post-workout idea - 5% Nutrition Real Carbs + Protein Apple Crepes! Believe us, they’re as delicious as they sound - and they’re a healthy option anytime...

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How To Survive The Holidays

How To Survive The Holidays

Thanksgiving is getting pretty close, and that typically begins the rush of holiday parties and family events. Of course, they all include a lot of eating, and most of the food is something less th...

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It’s Time You Tried Drop Sets

It’s Time You Tried Drop Sets

If you want to increase workout intensity, there are plenty of techniques you can incorporate into your training. One of the most effective is drop sets.

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Recipe - Real Carbs Ice Cream

Recipe - Real Carbs Ice Cream

Here’s ice cream done 5% style with Real Carbs Strawberry Shortcake flavor. Sounds like a decadent treat, right? It might taste like it but it’s packed with good ingredients, from 5% Nutrition Real...

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Ingredient Spotlight: AstraGin®

Ingredient Spotlight: AstraGin®

You’ve probably heard about AstraGin, right? It’s one of the most impressive natural ingredients currently available. Its primary benefit is enhancing nutrient absorption, which is essential for ge...

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Ingredient Spotlight: Melatonin

Ingredient Spotlight: Melatonin

Nothing’s worse than a night of restless sleep. You feel lethargic and unproductive the next day. Not to mention, poor sleep causes an increase in cortisol, the catabolic hormone you don’t need mor...

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