Have you ever opened a new or existing tub of a pre-workout, yes, even a 5% Nutrition Pre-Workout, only to find clumpy powder? Don’t worry, we have the answer! Let’s take a look at why this happens, whether you can still use it, and how to prevent it going forward.
Why Do Pre-Workouts Get Clumpy?
Hygroscopic Ingredients
The 5% Nutrition pre-workout line-up includes Full As F*ck, Kill It, Kill It Reloaded, 5150, and our new Code Red PRE. Some of the ingredients you’ll find in this impressive group of pre-workouts are hygroscopic. That means that ingredients such as citrulline and glycerol attract and retain moisture at room temperature, meaning these ingredients can stick together and form clumps.
Taking Out The Silica Gel Packet
Do not take out this packet! The silica gel packet is there because it absorbs moisture and helps to minimize clumping.
Leaving It In The Car
Leaving a pre-workout in the car, especially on those hot, humid summer days, will lead to the product absorbing moisture and clumping. This is true if you store a pre-workout in any hot, humid, or damp place. It’s best to make sure you don’t leave it in the car. One great way to do this is to use 5150 Stick Packs instead. You’ll only need one packet, and you can easily keep it with you.
Is It Safe To Use My 5% Nutrition Pre-Workout If It’s Clumpy?
Yes! It may surprise you to learn that clumps are a somewhat common occurrence in pre-workout powders. Clumping does not have the slightest impact on the safety or effectiveness of 5% Nutrition pre-workouts (or any pre-workout). You can be assured that this is normal for hygroscopic ingredients and does not mean there’s a problem with the pre-workout powder. As long as the product is within date, it can safely be used.
How To Unclump Your 5% Pre-Workout
So, how do we unclump the powder? Begin by using a spoon or fork and gently breaking apart any large clumps. Need it done quicker? Use a blender! Dump the powder in the blender and turn it on low, and it will quickly grind it up into a fine powder. Transfer it back to the container, making sure you put the silica packet back in, and you’re ready to go.
Going Forward, How Can I Prevent My 5% Pre-Workout From Getting Clumping?
As noted, store your 5% Nutrition pre-workout in a cool, dry place, away from light and moisture. This might be in the fridge or a kitchen cabinet. Storing it like this prevents moisture absorption. If you’d rather avoid dealing with potential clumping altogether, we have a great solution - Kill It RTDs! This powerhouse pre-workout comes ready to drink - clumps are impossible!
Does Storing A 5% Pre-Workout In The Freezer Prevent Clumps?
A common social media solution is to store the pre-workout in the freezer. The idea is that the cold environment can prevent moisture from building up in the pre-workout powder. The problem is that the freezer can cause some ingredients to break down quicker than they do at room temperature. This means that the pre-workout will lose some of its effectiveness. It’s better to avoid that altogether and store the pre-workout as instructed.
So we see that with proper storage, you can avoid clumps in the 5% Nutrition pre-workout of your choice. That means it's time to drink your 5% Pre and go kill it in the gym!